To succeed in your plans, you’ll need help to make sure that the strategic decisions you make can be executed with the technology you’re using.

We can provide strategic thinkers who have experience in driving organisations to success will be with you every step of the way with as much or as little involvement as you need.

Strategic Leadership

If technology is core to your business, then you need to make sure that your leadership team includes someone who can help guide you on the use and growth of that technology.

Dyfiant can provide fractional or full CTO, experienced in helping teams understand the technology available. We know how to use it to your advantage and how to build out the capability to make the most of that technology. Working alongside your directors, our people will help you win.

Software Engineering leaders

Providing good technical leadership is a careful balance of knolwedge, skill and emotion. At Dyfiant, we can help you with short or long term leadership gaps in your technology teams. Whther you need someone to help get you off the ground, or you’ve grown and need some help with your structure and systems, we can provide skilled and experienced leaders who can help you scale.

Leadership consultancy

A fresh pair of eyes can make the world of difference. If you’re struggling with a particular scenario or your team needs help to review how to scale to the next level, we can help. Flexible packages that suit your needs can help bring a new outlook on the situation and the experience of having grown to scale before.