If technology is critical to your idea then our team of developers is exactly what you’re looking for. But we go well beyond just building your application. Using Agile principles, we’ll build out a set of tools for you that takes your code from concept through a rigorous automated quality assurance and testing cycle and on to a fully automated and scalable deployment in the cloud environment of your choice. As you scale and grow so will the application and the support we provide. And if you want to bring your development in house, when you’re ready we’ll work with you to help build out your own team and support you through the transition and beyond.

Software Development

You have your idea, you’ve done your market research, all that’s left now is to build it.

Building a new system whether it’s a mobile app or a large scale platform requires a range of skills. We can help you put together a team of your own, or bolster an existing team with additional skills or capacity that you need. Covering everything from architectural design through to core development and user interface development, quality assurance and testing including test automation, our team can provide the capcity and skills that you require.

If you already have a development team, we can work into your existing policies and procedures, using your toolset and pipeline to help you get yoru application to launch and beyond.

On the other hand, if you don’t have an existing team, we can help you set your own team, providing knowledge and experience to get your team up and running quickly and efficiently. We specialise in full automation, rapidly building out a pipeline of tools from ticketing system to track user stories, through source control and DevOps-based pipelines providing automated testing, build and deployment for a full CI/CD model. Development process based around SCRUM and Agile methodologies will help ensure that your product is developed rapidly and your ideas proven quickly.

Development processes

No matter whether your team is already building or you want to set up a new team, the day to day processes for your team are critical to getting a quality product out. We can help create or evaluate your existing processes, hilighting areas of improvement and providing advice and help.

Cloud deployment and scaling

With extensive experience on cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services and Oracle Cloud, we can help you make the most of your investment. Initial build-out to complex autoscaling and architectural changes. Migrating your legacy platform to the cloud. Cloud-to-cloud migrations, or just evaluation of your current strategy. We can help you build our your infrastructure using regular IaaS components or serverless services.