About Us

Dyfiant is a new kind of company. When you’re starting a new venture, ideas aren’t in short supply. But to make a difference and deliver a return to your investors, you need to deliver results. If your idea involves web, mobile or tech-based ideas at the core, that means you have to build a solution that you can launch and grow rapidly.

We specialise in building robust, reliable and scalable solutions using the latest in cloud technology for companies who are starting out on the journey to something great. Over the past 10 years we’ve helped companies who are starting out build platforms and systems that have helped them grow and provide services to millions of subscribers.

Our work has taken us into regulated industries like finance and healthcare. We’ve helped build solutions for real-time processing like telecommunications and collaboration. We’ve built safety-critical systems that help save lives. All with solid technology that helped our customers grow.

We help people make their idea into a reality. We can do the same for you.